It’s Time For New Ideas…

Kyle Reid
3 min readJan 9, 2021


People, we need to come up with some new ideas. And it’s becoming increasingly clear that we are fast running out of them in our present state.

Our current institutions are all crumbling or becoming irrevocably corrupt. Organised religion is irrelevant; the state is rotten to its core; the media pathological; mainstream culture monotonous.

Caught up in the same old culture war ‘debates’ — the same ‘hot button’ topics discussed ad nauseam; the same trends rehashed and rebranded over and over again — we are blind to the issues that are actually affecting our society and our world and, therefore, unable to create any lasting change.

They say if you’re bored then you’re boring. Well, we’re bored… and we’re boring.

As the poor and dispossessed throughout the world become increasingly invisible due to highly effective western media propaganda, our ‘democracies’ have become two-party duopolies that serve nothing but the interests of corporations and the 1%.

Media has become nothing but entertainment and partisan idiocy for the masses whilst bipartisan backscratching from the people at the top has seen the upward transfer of wealth plunge millions into homelessness, unemployment and debt, with any challenge to this system seen as childish and impractical.

The neoliberal elites have bankrolled the chattering classes into an insufferable echo chamber of virtue signalling and counterproductive identity politics, ‘woke scolding’ the ignorant masses with smug condescension and an odious cancel culture impervious to actual debate and discussion.

Our ‘culture’ is one of pure commercialism, ‘giving rise to alienation, loneliness, unhappiness and a sense of inadequacy’ which has seen an increasing rise of mental health problems and, in turn, a reliance on Big Pharma.

One would think, living in the information age — where we have more knowledge of history at our fingertips than ever before — would mean greater hope of a mass scale awakening but to no avail. People have become docile and apathetic, slipping into their Silicon Valley styled comas, watching shitty tv shows, same as the old tv shows, buying products and possessions they don’t need, with money they don’t have, to impress people they don’t even like.

We live in a society of competing images, all screaming for our attention — and distraction. Coming to our senses about the reality of our situation and no longer putting any faith in the institutions of old is the only way out of this predicament. Cutting through all the bullshit and seeing that we need to find new ways to operate as a society is no longer a notion but an imperative.

What is the answer for this better world? Throughout history plenty came up with answers: conservatism, capitalism, fascism, communism, socialism, libertarianism — and none of them have satisfied. Before we can have a real world revolution we need a ‘revolution of the mind’; a mass scale consciousness that sees the old ways of doing things aren’t working or making us happy.

Is this the answer to most of the world’s current woes? Maybe. Maybe not. But without even taking a step in that direction, we’ll never know.

